miyavi tattoos

 muramasa, Porno Graffitti, miyavi, Ikimono-gakari, Angelo, the pillows,

muramasa, Porno Graffitti, miyavi, Ikimono-gakari, Angelo, the pillows,

Nightmare, Nightmare, heidi, miyavi, MUCC, SEIKIMA-II, Kra, An Cafe,

Nightmare, Nightmare, heidi, miyavi, MUCC, SEIKIMA-II, Kra, An Cafe,

and also miyavi (i know im probably gonna get killed over this) but.

and also miyavi (i know im probably gonna get killed over this) but.

Ruki, Miyavi, and Shou by ~Ashley-Himura on deviantART

Ruki, Miyavi, and Shou by ~Ashley-Himura on deviantART

2) Miyavi - Freedom Fighter

2) Miyavi - Freedom Fighter



 computer games, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, tattoos, Final Fantasy, Suikoden,

computer games, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, tattoos, Final Fantasy, Suikoden,

A sexy punk guy covered in tattoos and piercings wearing a long skirt and

A sexy punk guy covered in tattoos and piercings wearing a long skirt and

miyavi: Actually, I feel that it's been long and short.

miyavi: Actually, I feel that it's been long and short.

 blades (added a while ago) and a brand spanking new waist tattoo.

blades (added a while ago) and a brand spanking new waist tattoo.

└Miyavi背面刺青圖┘ 背部紋身內容:般若波羅蜜多心經(觀自在菩薩,行深

└Miyavi背面刺青圖┘ 背部紋身內容:般若波羅蜜多心經(觀自在菩薩,行深

TSUKIYO :::: Fanart ::::

TSUKIYO :::: Fanart ::::



Miyavi - Page 415 - Japan Forum

Miyavi - Page 415 - Japan Forum

Miyavi Ishihara »

Miyavi Ishihara »

What else is interesting about me? hmmm , Addicted to: Tattoos and

What else is interesting about me? hmmm , Addicted to: Tattoos and

This is a bithday card the Kavki Boiz made for Miyavi.

This is a bithday card the Kavki Boiz made for Miyavi.

Miyavi will be releasing a new single on September 15th entitled Torture and

Miyavi will be releasing a new single on September 15th entitled Torture and

 like that much of a man to begin with…besides the tattoos…then again,

like that much of a man to begin with…besides the tattoos…then again,

