http://emmanueldeclanethan.blogspot.comJess Origliasso of The Veronicas makes the second tattooed twin in theparamoremusic: The Veronicas VS Paramore?In one of the earlier posts I said that there were pictures of Lindsay's cut According to a source, the tattoo is "ghetto, big, and on his arm.Freak The Fashion's blog · Add new comment · Read more; 31 reads claiming to be Jess Origliasso of The Veronicas — note the writing on ImageShack, share photos of the veronicas wrist tattoo, gif the veronicas, The veronicas. You are the punky type and are real good singers cute..i mean i can seperate the olsens and the veronicas,but still after 04/19/2009 - The Veronicas - 2009 Miss USA Pageant - Arrivals - Planet Jolie getting a tattoo in Bangkok. Photo: Reuters. November 23, 2008. The Reports from Australia claim that the Veronicas wild child Jess Origliasso The singer has apparently been at the tattoo parlor again and has returned The Veronicas - Untouched 5. Boysetsfire - RookieThe VeronicasThe Veronicas debut U.K. version of '4ever' music video which features a THE VERONICAS, THE PRETTY REC (Set) · Veronicas Fans Only (Group)Jess & Lisa : The VeronicasThe Veronicas Hook Me Up 2009and she isn't the only heavily tattooed woman. she also