ericka atkins tattoos

The MohawkthumbnailPoster Venezuela Expo TattoothumbnailGypsythumbnailSunflower TattoothumbnailStanding In the Shadowsthumbnail
The Mohawk
here's a shot of my hair done up in a mohawk and cornrolls. :3done by the gorgeous Caylee at CosMos Hair Studio in Brooks, AB.and yes, that's totally a zelda tattoo. check out my gallery to see mo...
Poster Venezuela Expo Tattoo
This energy never dies, it burns in some other new blood.(The Loop- Mimicking Birds)Atom tattoo i've had for a few yearsss
Sunflower Tattoo
Do it like the Sunflower turn your face to the sun and leave the shadows behind you!Thats what it means in live, just look in front not back.Its on the inside off my arm~
Standing In the Shadows
Photographer: Steve Richard