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Star Wars Darth Vader Ultimate 1:4 Scale Action Figure Darth Vader Dashboard Talking Figure Star Wars. Our Price: C $10.80 Star Wars 2008: Battle-Damaged Darth Vader Action Figure Action Figure Boxes - Star Wars: Darth Vader Star Wars: Darth Vader 500th Star Wars Action figure Darth Vader figure Star Wars Celebration 3 Darth Vader Figure Exclusive Click to enlarge Limited Edition Darth Vader 12-Inch Figure (click to enlarge) Darth Vader - LEGO Star Wars Figure Our Price: $9.79 Autographed Dave Prowse/Darth Vader custom Star Wars figure#2 Darth Vader- Star Wars Figure A new release of the award winning l vinyl Star Wars Buy Darth Vader Star Wars Unleashed Darth Vader Figure Click to enlarge Star Wars Legacy Saga Legends Darth Vader Figure, NM Star Wars Unleashed figures: Darth Vader figure Star Wars Action Figure – Galactic Heroes – figure Darth Vader. Figure is 2000 Star wars Power of the Jedi 12? Action Figure – Sith Lords – Darth Darth Vader Picture Gallery. Darth Vader Figure | Star Wars: This is the second Star Wars 12" Figure Darth Vader by MEDICOM using their Star Wars