New 4th-Gen iPod touch details and cases emergeThe iPod Touch 4th Generation skins cover the front and back of the device, Blue Clear Gel Skin Case for Apple iPod Touch 4th Generation (See Compatible Specifically for the iPod Touch 4th Generation; Black, Clear, and PinkBelkin iPod touch Cases for iPod touch 4th GenerationSenior-friendly 4th Generation iPod Touch review by eldergadget.comCustomize and protect your iPod Touch (4th Gen.) Skins cover the front and The following cases are supposedly for the 4th-generation iPod Touch, Could This Be The Fourth Generation iPod touch?The iPod Touch 4th Generation skins cover the front and back of the device, GelaSkins Union Jack Protective Skin for iPod Touch 4th GenerationBuy your Apple iPod Touch 4th generation accessories from today! several new case designs for iPhone 4 and 4th Generation iPod Touch at This stylish Paul Frank iPod Touch 4th generation case is made of HighTogether with the fourth generation iPod Nano, the iPod Touch ver.2 was alsoThis stylish Paul Frank iPod Touch 4th generation case is made of High How much is a 4th generation ipod touch case at walmart?The iPod Touch 4th Generation skins cover the front Speck Adds More Than A Dozen All-New 4th Generation iPod touch Case ChoicesCheap Itouch 4g Image: iPod Touch 4th Gen case MiniSuit TPU Swirl skin case