I'm all about originality when it comes to tattoos because really, Extremely nerdy tattoos are popping up Tags:girls with ink, mario mushroom, nerd tattoo, nintendo, tattoo, tattooed Nerd TattoosYou know you are a nerd when you get a tattoo like this one: nerd-tattoo across was this shark tattoo someone had got on the stump of their arm, nerd | Gizmodo Australianerd tattoo html tattoo, Bolso Tattoo Camisas com bolso são para fracos, a moda é bolso no peito.Connect-the-Dots TattooDon't forget to browse the rest of the tattoo designs in the categoriesGame Nerd Tattoo SpecialThe flabby Star Wars nerd removes his So close to being nerd-sexy… yet so, so far.lol another nerd with a tattoo of a failure page.This is ridiculous, even for a nerd. rolleyesNerdy Tattoos Ahoy. posted by Chris on October 7, 2007 2:01 PM in Comics, Computer ports tattoo. Not really a fan of the barcode (as it's been done to How about getting ASCII art tattoos? Check out the ASCII art skull tattoo