superb stefanie ayala tattoos

Gonzo TattoothumbnailTattoo 2thumbnailMine Tattoo Project.thumbnailQueen of the Silver Dollarthumbnail1st tattoothumbnail
Gonzo Tattoo
My Tattoo. Everyone who knows me was surprised I got one since I'm such a wimp when it comes to pain. It hurt like hell, and I don't think I'll be getting another.
Tattoo 2
My Third Tattoo, this is the ankh from vampire masquerade
Mine Tattoo Project.
Well this is a drawing of mine.. *well i did it yesterday x)*planing to tattoo this when i finish itwith the details,i wanna try to put more shadow... ..i think i do it on april x.x
Queen of the Silver Dollar
Model: Mistress MolotovAssistant: Location: The Seahorse TavernPhoto: [link]Prints available:© Sarah DeVenne. NO USE ALLOWED.
1st tattoo
my friend 1st tattoo. hahahaha