Denise Richards pictures by janice hicks

Celebrity Pictures: Denise Richards Carries On Through Charlie Sheen Drama

I have to admit, I do NOT envy Denise Richards at the moment. Can you imagine having to watch the father of your children go through a very public meltdown that’s being RECORDED for them to see when they’re older?

Yet it looks like Denise is carrying on through all the Charlie Sheen drama and trying to keep her daughters safe. You can practically hear Denise saying “What goddesses?” and “I tried to tell people…”

Good for her.

Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama Denise Richards Goes About Her Life Without Charlie Drama

Photos by FAME