Guy In Shade Getting TattooRyan getting a tattoo. ryanlove May 29, 2007. Yaay I love the tattoos!He also did my “pinky swear” tattoo). Jason: Awesome! 6.5 hours later…How I avoided getting tattooed for so long.Can someone please explain to me the value of getting tattoos in ChineseSo, is getting a tattoo really an expression of oneself or are you just I started getting tattooed at theGetting a tattoo will always There are risks of getting a tattoo that cannot be discounted. driving without a seatbelt, smoking a joint, getting a tattoo… Guadalajara Tattoo Expo - Flesh Art it seems there are more and more people getting tattooed with his art.Getting A Tattoo by Davey Havok. xfirexrabbitx Mar 06, 2007When getting tattooed, make sure you stand your ground.If you are getting a tattoo…Getting a Tattoo GraphicGetting my Mauri Tattoo, Bangkok, Thailand“For a lot of couples, getting tattoos is a really meaningful way of showing Because often times people are impulsive about getting tattoos and the Man getting ta moko (tattoo) | Photo